Pearl River 進入目錄

Musical Merchandise Review, (MMR Magazine) announced that Pearl River has been nominated for  “2018 Acoustic Piano Line of the Year”. This is very rewarding after winning both the 2016 and 2015 “Acoustic Piano Line of the Year”. Pearl River was selected by MMR Magazine’s subscribers and represents a significant achievement for our company.

In recent years, Pearl River has revised and streamlined its model line with the assistance of European and American piano-design consultants. The result is a line of pianos widely recognized for quality, fine design and exceptional value.

We appreciate the support of everyone who made this possible…our staff, our dealers, our customers and the MMR magazine subscribers who gave us their vote!

Pearl River T6

HKD 43,800
HKD 29,800

- 德國鋼琴大師 Mr. Lothar Thomma 設計及監製

- 全新的共鳴系統,擊弦機系統及鍵盤系統

- 聲音更加通透明亮,彈奏性能更佳

- 高身鋼琴,特大響版,特長琴弦,增長共鳴效果及音量

- 長尺寸擊弦系統,使用優質ABEL德國琴槌

- 用德國Röslau琴弦,音色更出眾

- 三角鋼琴設計,配備了寬幅的三角鋼琴風格的樂譜台

顏色: 黑色
鍵數: 88鍵
尺寸: 151cm(長)*63cm (深)*131 cm (高)
踏板: 3 

- 現金

- 支票 (抬頭:青苗琴行有限公司)

- Visa / Master / EPS / 銀聯

- 信用卡分期付款: 中銀 / 渣打 / 匯豐 / Citibank (12 / 24個月分期) 恒生 (12個月分期)


- 最多 3 - 7 個工作天


租琴回家 每月最少只須200元
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